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Bonnie Dickey
- Member for
- 12 years 12 months
Bonnie Dickey can be reached at this email address.
Upon retiring, and with an itch to draw all my life, I gifted myself with courses with Brunswick artist Kathleen Boldt* which opened a whole new world for me. I found Portraiture my favorite subject and colored pencils my medium of choice. More classes with artist Deb Arter in acrylics and collage followed, along with continued inspiration, encouragement and shared demonstrations from the multi-talented Points of View Artists who are generous with their knowledge. I find it fascinating as the wax builds and a drawing comes to life and how it generally is that one stroke that makes it happen. Venturing into collage and acrylics promises to be an interesting change from the pencils, opening all kinds of possibilities. Long before retiring, my desire to draw was rekindled by friend and neighbor the late sculptor/artist Meredith “Jim” Jones of Brunswick whose talent for detail I found intriguing.
The portraits shown have been part of local shows in Midcoast Maine or were commissions. They are not all for sale, but representative of the work I offer. Portraits are done from clients’ photographs, so it is imperative pictures are as clear as one wants the portrait. Prices vary with size and complexity. My work can be seen at the Points of View Art Gallery in Brunswick, Maine.
* Visit Kathleen Boldt's website at